Tuesday, October 24, 2006

ok, paris just totally farted

Yes, its 1:32am and I am awake. Why? because I seem to have gotten a cold from some sick person along the way. How lame. I finally broke down and scoured the house for some cold medicine. I have a little bit left, thank God. Not feeling too hot. Plus, I HAVE to go to work. Cannot call in sick. Can't happen. So, tomorrow. Or should I say, in about 5 hours, I will be treating myself to some Starbucks to keep myself awake and my day is going to be spent downing green tea to detox and a whole bunch of WATER please. God, grant me the serenity.....

1 comment:

Bean said...

Oh, that sucks ass! Let me know if you need anything. Dayquil rocks the house, by the way.