Wednesday, October 25, 2006

"Save the Cheerleader, Save the World" and other reasons why I love my friend J.Bean

This one's for you J. 1) She introduced me to Heros. Monday nights, 8pm, got to watch it. Its like X-men without the fancy costumes. 2) I'm sick, I'm also needless-wantless- she brought me: gossip mags, chicken soup (my 4pm snack today), vitamin C juice/powerade (my 3am snack this morning- and since Bubba is also sick hes been drinking it all day in addition to the powerade), I love addicts, they go all out. Where was I? Ah yes and she brought me ...Dayquel- yes, sinus headache be gone AND ice cream. NOW THAT IS A FLIPPING FRIEND. 3) She makes me laugh 4) Watching her work a program reminds me that working a program is fun 5) She loves her dog as much as I do and 6) she will car-dance with me. 7) she also loves to text message like I do. Holla!!!!. Alright party people- give a big shout out to J.Bean rock star friend. Whoot Whoot!

1 comment:

Bean said...

OMG! I feel like a famous person! You forgot to mention that I can out-eat you on a sugar binge! Hee hee!