I get my hair cut today, can I tell you how happy I am about that? Whooo Hooo! Love it. It should be an adventure as well because it requires me going to a mall. Ahh. It's the weekend before christmas, this should be very interesting. Who's thrilled? Well, I secretly am because I've been dying to go to American Eagle and try on some jeans, although, how I've been eating this past week (damn you christmas elves) perhaps I should wait. And that cinnabun I have been craving is probably not going to happen. I am baking christmas cookies today to bring on our journey to the OC for X-mas. I would like to say I can resist my own baking. Its questionable, although my mom said if you bake all day the smells will make you sick and you won't want any. Go with that. I am also almost finished with my knitting, so I will have to brave a craft store today (God help me) to get somemore yarn. So far I have knit 3 scarves and 5 hats. One of those hats I would like to give to my hairstylist, so that requires knitting another damn hat. Did I say damn? I meant fabulous. I also will be hitting up the gym today and having a telephone appointment with my therapist, I almost feel like a celebrity, minus the papparizzi and insane income. Tomarrow is a meeting, a B-day lunch (make that 2more hats), and a goodbye dinner for a co-worker. I love driving. Its awesome. I know, I know, be grateful Ihave friends who want to spend time with me. Happy shopping and eating all!!!
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