Thursday, October 05, 2006

The highlight of my day....

That's right. Its Grey's Anatomy night. That and the red velvet cupcake that I ate today will be the highlight of the day. I cried several times this week and I am over it. PMS? Full Moon? People are precious? I'm not sure. But whatever, because for an hour I can forget it all and watch TV while zoning out.
Speaking of zoning out. I was listening to my XM radio, specifically Oprah and Friends, and Gayle's show had a segment on revenge and the person they had on there said that revenge was a good thing. I about drive off the road. (insert jaw dropping) Apparently, they have a whole article about it in O magazine. BOOOO. That's not spiritual. I like what one of my colleagues says about seeking revenge. "Why? Being them is punishment enough." Had I had the # to call Gayle, I would have let her know that. I think I need to write and email GIRRRRRRRRLLLLL!

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